Monday, August 28, 2006

i miss superband )):
there's this weird comedy show on channel 8.
weird o_O"'

i will never be a comedian. HAHA! qiling can be one :D

today's the last official school day ((:
like finally

'there's trouble i' this world, and there's things as we can niver make out the rights on. And all we've got to do is trusten, Master Marner - to do the right thing as fur as we know, and to trusten."

all we've got to do is trusten.

liyana asked, "is coming to nj a Providence?
haha. me and siew went stunned.
we gave a very politically qn. HURHUR!
"it's definitely a Providence but definitely a journey filled with trials and tribulations."

so true. a Providence yet filled with trials.
and through this, i've learnt so much about myself.
ain't gonna whine about this experience anymore.
i had enough. has been almost 2 years.

ystd was a good night :D
and i see a new life. soon.
move on, pals.

pi, i found new strength. i am resolute and resolved.
i hope you find yours too. for now, just wait
wait and be patient.

as for now, i will try to be all geared up for prelims and alevels :D
ok go study ger. i will. for His glory.

bye friends. bye girlfriend. bye worldlings.
we don't run along. we move along.


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