Wednesday, May 24, 2006

i realised i'm too critical with myself.
i want too much out of myself.
but for don't know what reason.

being a teacher is a job that reaps no benefits.
a teacher needs to suffer the angst of the students, controls her emotions, keep her cool, answer questions TO THE POINT without redirecting the questions back to the students, manage her time wisely, do not push the blame to the students cause i feel that both are at fault and stop being so biased even he might have the tendency to.

it really sucks.
so is it better to have a fulfilling job but always force to suppress your true temper and keep a prim and proper image or to just get a job that is self-centered like a banker or smth?

anyway, some pics from the class outing! ((:
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the girls! :D

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3 subber gang! ((:

last sports day today. reminds me of the sports day last year!!
haha! me, dora and qiling were so screwed lah! we crawled through some small hole in a gate and dora soiled her skirt and my bag tore!
but this year, i stayed for my first and last sports day in nj. yeahyeah.
nice enough but tiring.

"what the eyes don't see,
the heart does not grief"

i wonder how is it like to marry mr whitby. his passion is surging, his views of this world is much more complex much more in depth. he sees things we do not. personally, i feel that he's those kind of men that can be both very rational and also very irrational. maybe marrying this kind of men can be quite a chore.
loving him is like loving a emotional bomb.

i am adding this:

"what the ears don't hear,
the brain don't think
and the heart won't grief."

and if someone refuses to reveal some stuff to you, it's for your own good.
ignorance can be a bliss.

if only you knew.
if only the world knows.


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