Monday, March 13, 2006

haha. watching the campus superstar now.
the guys are so cute so little so young.
but the girls are so so.

the 2nd guy reminded me of bigwheel

okie. this is random. but yeah.
random-ness brings out regularity.

[aside] the campus' superstar's guys are REALLY not bad! ((:

my teeth are hurting like mad.
i asked for it actually.

me: why doesn't my teeth hurt anymore?
dentist: oh. your teeth have moved already what.

so he went to file my teeth to make space for more movements
and i am supposed to wear elastics already.
everything in my mouth is moving.
-growls in pain-

holidays suck when it's just a study break.
holidays suck when the first day aint productive enough.

productivity is key.

went jean's place before gng to collect my overdued pay
christina was already there.
DAMN! poly having hols till end of april.
yeah. shld've known.
copthorne ACTUALLY had a tennis court despite it's limited land

it ain't a nice feeling when you thought
perhaps life might suddenly change.
but you realised you were wrong.

whatever world.
come and make my life a grave of my own.
i am used to it.


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