Friday, February 10, 2006

` wish i could just cry all night long.

i am currently in an eat-till-you-full-but-still-wanna-eat-more mood.
i've been munching snacks since the time i reached home.
kinda like stuffing myself man.
and dipping love letters(a new year goodie) into nutella.
don't ask me why i did that but it actually taste quite nice.
so now,
i am like BLOATEDDD )):
and i finished all my left over snacks.

if it makes me happy, i will do it.

i just watched titanic.
alright, i am outdated.
cos i didnt manage to catch it at the theatres and on channel 5 nor any scv channels.
so i rented the vcd and watched it.


will i give up my life for someone i love?
will i rather we all die together?
will i die for my passion?

this is confusing lah.
like will i?

you pple,
just stop hanging me by the string lah.

you jump, i jump.
i know this is damn cheesy,
but whateverr.

i read this funny quote written by kaijie on our classboard today
"your birth certificate is an apology letter from the condom factory"

i thought it was funny ((:

it's just ain't the right day today.


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