Saturday, July 16, 2005

As we open our hearts to love, as we attend to what is beautiful and necessary in our lives and the lives of those we love. We then begin to feel more intimately the tender sorrows that fill any human life. We become less defended, more awake to the inevitable sorrows of being alive. We begin to feel how love and hurt often arise together. People who love us are the same people who hurt us. When our heart opens in love, whatever is embedded in the heart will also spill out. The love that opens our heart will also open whatever sadness we have carried for a lifetime.

read this from a book in the library.
really touches my heart.
it's not like super cheesy kind of theories.
it's REALLY cool and nice! ((:

nienie outing ystd! ((:
nienie slpover on next fri! YAYEE!
cant wait to spend more time dng HAPPY things.
at least i will be happier ((:
but i am happier already. better.

crying sucks.
esp cryin alone.
and looking at a hamster and burst out crying.
sucks lah
crying 'xi1'

i love ted hughes now.
his 'pibroch' is super apt lah!
he's as cynnical as me.
we share the same sentiments.
i hate being grey )):
but i will be happy.


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